The South of England Pomeranian Club was founded in 1913
A letter appeared in the Canine Press, on May 16th 1913 as follows;
The Desirability of forming a new Pomeranian Club in the south has from time to time been suggested by a number of well-known fanciers.
A meeting (which I have been asked to call) to consider the matter and if favourably received, to elect Officers and Committee, which will be held on Friday16th May 1913 at the Surrey Masonic Hall Camberwell New Road, Camberwell Green SE London at 8pm sharp with all interested please attend, if unable to do so correspond with A Frank Godfrey 143 Chourmert Road Peckham. In the following week, under a headline “Pomeranian Club for the South, formed” appeared the following letter;
A Public Meeting was held at the Surrey Masonic Hall Camberwell on May 16th, Mr T M Falconer in the chair.
The meeting was well attended by well-known fanciers. The Chairman in opening the meeting related it was to be distinctly understood that the proposed club would be in no way opposed to any existing Pomeranian or other club.
Proposal that the Club is formed was carried unanimously and the following gentlemen elected as Committee; Messrs A.F.Kannine, T.Childs, T.Falconer, A.F.Godfrey (Hon secretary), F.Kerworth (Hon Treasurer) W.J.Nicholls, R.D.Werham.
The proposed rules were read and passed. Thirty names desiring to join were handed in.
In July 1913 an application for the South of England Pomeranian Club was applied for at the Kennel Club, and was approved and registered in September 1913, and appeared in the Kennel Club Gazette July 1913, which read
Mr A. F. Godfrey of 143 Choumert Road, Peckham, S.E. has applied for the registration of the above title
In the Kennel Gazette September 1913
Application to register the following title was granted:- South of England Pomeranian Club
In the same September 1913 Kennel Gazette, was an article on Pom Colours click here to see it
Mr Theo Marples became a Vice President (Founder of "Our Dogs" Newspaper)
The Membership fees were Five Shillings to join and Ten Shillings and Six Pence every year thereafter, although the first One Hundred Members were not charged the entrance fees
The Clubs first Championship show was held at Camberwell on the 4th June 1915 - CATALOGUE CAN BE VIEWED BY CLICKING THE PDF ON THE LEFT OF PAGE
There was 3 Kennel Club CC’s on offer. The Catalogue cost one shilling
Mr T.D.Falconer judged the show with seventy-two dogs
One CC was for Dog or Bitch, which was won by CH Cheeky Nanky (Dog), and the other two CC’s being won for Pomeranian Miniatures (not exceeding 7lbs) won by Mathim (Dog) and CH Haughty Lucia (Bitch).
The next Championship meeting being held on 24th June 1916. The entrance fees were six shillings with members being five shillings. The Judge was Mr Stanley Napping who had sixty-nine dogs under him
On the 29th June 1920 the club had a 25 class Championship Show jointly held with The Pomeranian Club at Camberwell. The Judge was Mr Chris Foulker, with twenty dogs entered in filthy eight entries.
The Club records date only from 1931; but Challenge Certificates were available before this date.
Mrs. Mabel Weed was Secretary from 1938 until her death in 1977, and received great help from Bob Flavell.
A Championship Show was held 2nd October 1946 at the Holy Trinity Church Hall, Great Portland Street, and the Judge being Mr T.Gascoyne
1947 The Clubs President was Mrs J P Syder, Vice Presidents were Lady Kitty Ritson, Mrs Brankstone-Grenville, Mrs Barlow Massicks, Mrs F Pearson, Miss E Bonser, & Mrs H Tanner
the Secretary was Mrs M L Weed
A Championship Show was held 3rd July 1947, which attracted about thirty-two entries The Judge was Mr Leo C Wilson. In the catalogue for this show was an advert placed by Gladys Dyke of Hadleigh Pomeranians which advertised Suncharm of Haleigh at Stud 5Gns, Bonny Boy of Hadleigh at Stud 5Gns, Hadleighs Pride at Stud 5Gns At Stud Shortly Billy Button of Hadleigh 4Gns
1972 saw Mrs Poppe as President and Chairman and held these two posts until 1977
Shows were held at the Hayes Baptist Church, Harlington, Middlesex.
At the 1972 AGM Mrs Scanrett (Auditor) said that there was £124.00 in the clubs bank account. The show held on 13th May had thirteen classes and was judged by Miss Ramsey
At the 1973 AGM the club was richer by having £129.00 in its coffers. Mr Bob Flavell kindly did all the printing free of charge. The next show to be held on 28th April. this show to be judged by Mrs Shewsbury.
At the 1974 AGM it was concluded that the next show would be held on 25th May, with
Mrs Q Hackman judging. The entrée fees were Members 30p, and Non Members 35p
The 1975 do not reveal much activity, but Mrs Newman was to judge the next show 31st May
At the 1976 AGM held on 5th May 1976 at 2pm at the Chapel Hall 266 High Street, Harlington, Hayes, Middlesex
The Statement of Accounts were
Cash at Bank 132.69
Subscriptions £8.25
From Shows £43.79
Title Fee (KC)£3.00
Box at bank £2.00
Insurance of cups £2.00
Licence for 1976 Show £2.00
Show Expenses £42.10
Cash in Bank £133.16
Cash in Hand 47p
1977 sees the unfortunate death of the clubs secretary Mrs Weed, who was killed in a road accident 9th March, at the age of eighty-three.
Mrs Dot Hay (Hon Treasurer) took over the running of the club with her husband as acting Secretary
Many of the clubs records were lost at this time, as entry to Mrs Weed’s house was not allowed after the reading of her will.
The club’s show on June 22th 1977 was difficult to hold due to Miss Hurran and Mr Dyke passing away, and Mrs Scandrett resigning. The show went ahead and was a great success with sixteen exhibitors, eighty-seven entries with fourty one dogs.
1977 there was a period of unrest, until 1980 when largely due to the sterling efforts of Mr. & Mrs. (Dot) Hay, Championship status was restored. Since then Championship Shows have been held each year, continually gaining in popularity.
At the 1978 AGM Mr Hackman became the Chairman, Mrs Hay the Secretary, and Mr Hay Treasure. Mrs Stone became the Cup Secretary, and Mr Hill was to do the printing. The Black and Tan colour was discussed, as also was the clubs cups discussed and it was decided to insure them for future shows
The fees 1979 for 1979 were set as £1.00 single and £1.50 for joint membership.
Mrs Audrey Dalison was asked to judge that years show
The club applied for Championship status, and Mrs Gladys Dyke was offered a position of Vice President, which she declined
At the 1979 AGM the clubs status for Championship Status was approved for shows in 1980 and thereon. It was also agreed at this AGM to sponsor the South Toy Dog Society. Mr & Mrs Hay declared their standing down from re-election as officers of the club.
The New Committee was as follows, Mr Stone as Secretary, Mrs Stone as Treasurer, and Mr John Watkins as Chairman.
Eight cups were to be on offer at the next show with deposits to be paid of 50p per cup for members only. Ten cups were to be offered at the club’s September show with entries at 75p
1980 the Committee were President Mrs V.K.Poppe, Chairman Mr John Watkins, Secretary Mr Stone, and the committee as follows. Mrs Stone, Mrs B. Twelves. Mrs.Watkins, Mrs L Weinert, Mrs H. Moores, Mr & Mrs. R Hay, Mrs G.Dyke, Mrs J. Newman, Mrs K. Fellows, Mrs M. Russell, and Mrs. Bishop.
Mrs Gladys Dyke judged the first Championship Show since the re-instatement of the Championship status and drew eighty-four Entries. Catalogues cost 30p, and prize money was £2.00. £1.50, 50p and 25p, with entry fees being £1.00 per dog for members and £1.50 to non-members.
At a committee meeting it was decided to sell a silver cruet set, as the insurance was proving too expensive due to the high value of it.
The silver cruet set, known as the Beadel Trophy Silver Condiment Set presented by a Mrs E Beadel for Best Dog or Bitch.Mrs Beadel is believed to be the wife of Mr M Beadel who was the treasurer of the Pomeranian Club for twenty one years until his death in 1928
The Clubs Championship Show 1981 was held 14th November at the Baptist Church Hall Harlington, judged by Lill Weinert with admission to the public
20p Adults, Children and senior Citizens 10p. Catalogue 35p
The officers of the club were Mr John Watkins as Chairman. Mrs Jessie Newman Secretary, who remained as treasure until her retirement in 1994
Mrs H Moores was asked to design a suitable club badge and filthy were ordered and sold at the club show on the 19th November, where the judge was Mrs L Weinert, who had 88 entries entered
At the 1982 AGM seven members offered trophies, whether to win outright or yearly is not known. Mrs West offered to engrave them.
1983 saw 116 entries at the same show, with Mrs H Moores judging, with prize money going to winners. The subscriptions were to rise to £1.50 single membership and £2.00 for dual membership.
Entry fees were to rise £2.00 open Shows and £2.00 Championship Shows
1984 Mrs Dot Hay judged 111 entries at Langley Hall, which was a new venue for the club, which most members’ preferred as it was more easily to reach with the M4 not far away
At the AGM in 1985 the selling of the silver cups was discussed and the members approved of this motion. Mrs M Holder judged this year’s show with 117 entries.
There should have been a three-course lunch available, which members pre-booked at a cost of £3.75, but the caterers did not turn up despite being booked nine months previously.
1986 saw the birth of the “Pomeranian Book” which was instigated by Mrs Newman, with the other Pomeranian Clubs contributing and was sold at Crufts 1987.
The Pomeranian Book has gone from strength to strength and is now in the capable hands of Lynn Webster
1987 the sale of the silver cups took place and sold through Wally, Wallice, & Wooley of Salisbury. The value of the sold cups is unknown but the proceeds went to purchasing Shields, and Plaques, which did not need insuring and was not a burden to the clubs finance.
Mr Michael Titchener was nominated as a Life Member in recognition of his loyal and unfailing support for the club, despite being blinded in an unprovoked assault
In 1988 Mrs Dot Hay became the clubs President. This same year saw the move of venue for its Open Shows to Taplow & Hitching WI Hall Taplow
In the 1990’s saw a radical change in not only the committee, but also show venues
The venue changed from Open shows in Taplow in 1996,to Worpleston 1997,and Championship Shows from Langley in 1994 to Bisley 1995-1996 and the to Worpleston 1997
The moving of venues was the rising cost of the halls and changes in the Kennel club rulings
1990’s also saw the start of Puppy Parties, which has always been a great success with information and experience passed on from guest presenters, including Vets, Judges, and expert advice on trimming our wonderful Poms.
In 1997, the officers of the club were
President Mrs Dot Hay, Patron Mrs J Newman, Honouree Life Member Mr M Titchener, Secretary Mrs K Blayney, Treasurer Mr T Clarke, Chairman Mr R Russell, Cup Secretary Mrs J Walsh
The Committee consisted off: Mrs J Scott, Mrs M Larrassey, Mrs M Hambridge, Mrs V Christopher, Mrs M Fox, Mrs P Hambridge, Mrs G Taylor, Mrs C McCutcheon-Clark & Mr & Mrs Stepenson
Researched by Jaqui Walsh (Cup Secretary) with further research by Bryan Hall (Webmaster)
Our thanks go to the Bendelow family for valuable information from the book
"A publication to Commemorate the Centenary of the Pomeranian Club"
My Thanks go to Jaqui Walsh for her hours of work, consulting the Kennel Club's Library, researching, and her drafts, which I have re-written, that has proved a mine of information
My thanks also go to Gill Taylor for supplying books, catalogues, and general knowledge of the breed and of course the history of the South of England Pomeranian Club
© South of England Pomeranian Club
Awaiting more Information, still researching!