PLEASE NOTE: The South of England Pomeranian Club accepts no responsibility for any dogs/puppies homed via information gained from this website. The availability and homing is strictly between the breeder/owner and those looking for a Pomeranian.
Looking for their forever pet homes: 2 year old KC registered Cream dog - Chipped, vaccinated wormed to date, and an 11 month old Orange Sable KC registered dog - Chipped , vaccinated & wormed to date. Both have their good citizen bronze awards.
For further details please contact Rachael Pickering 07960575882
or email: pickeringr5@aol.com
Due to the current climate we have received an unprecedented number of enquiries for puppies. So, we feel it would be prudent to offer some guidelines when researching the breed and looking for that new addition to the family.
We strongly advise the public to research the breed through breed dedicated sites such as Breed Clubs and the Kennel Club.
When looking for a puppy please be aware of the following: -
Responsible breeders will ask you lots of questions to ensure you can provide a secure and loving forever home to a puppy
Responsible breeders should always show you the puppy with its mother
Responsible breeders do not take deposits on litters that they expect to have in the future.
Responsible breeders do not knowingly breed undesirable colours eg: Merle in the Pomeranian
Responsible breeders do provide a Kennel Club Registration Certificate, Contract of Sale, Puppy Pack
including Diet Sheet and a supply of food.
The Kennel Club is the only recognised registration board in the UK
Responsible breeders generally charge between £1,800 and £2,500 for puppies that are looking for a
family / pet home
Many breeds have been plagued by disreputable breeders producing colours not recoginsed / not permissable, such colours may cause health problems in their respective breeds. Adverts appear on various puppy sales websites where claims are often made that the colour of such puppies are rare or unique. This phrase is often used as a selling tool to make the purchaser feel they are getting a ‘special’ puppy. They are easily charmed by a cute looking puppy whatever its colour and many will pay more for a colour they believe to be rare rather than undesirable with the risk of ongoing health related issues.
Merle: this colour is not permissable in the Pomeranian and they are ineligible for registration in the UK. Merle does not occur naturally in the breed and comes from cross breeding. Merle also carries the risk of blindness and deafness.
We have been made aware of puppy buyers being asked for exorbitant prices for non-standard coloured puppies that possibly do not exist or are not as the seller advertised.
Claims that puppies are DNA tested to see if they carry the genes for non-standard / un-recognised colours may also be fraudulent.
Third Party Puppy Sales are against the law in the UK under Lucy's Law - This type of sale is often carried out by those importing dogs into the UK. As such you will have no first hand knowledge of the parents or how the puppy has been raised and cared for. ‘Lucy’s Law’, means that puppies and kittens can no longer be sold in England by a third party seller – such as a pet shop or commercial dealer – unless they have bred the animal themselves. Instead, anyone looking to buy or adopt a puppy under six months must either deal directly with the breeder or an animal rehoming centre.
If you would like more advice on the Pomeranian, please do contact our Secretary:
Amanda Orchard manatek@msn.com Tel: 01794 522175 (no calls after 9pm please)
Or one of the other Breed Clubs in the UK who will more than willing to help and advise
The Pomeranian Club www.thepomeranianclubuk.weebly.com
The Scottish Pomeranian Club www.scottishpomeranian.co.uk
The Pomeranian Club of South Wales www.thepomeranianclubofsouthwales.com
The Northern Pomeranian Club www.thenorthernpomeranianclub.com